The Charity Commission confirmed it had disqualified Ms Ingram-Moore for a period of 10 years and Mr Ingram-Moore for eight.

The commission’s chief executive David Holdsworth said: “As a fair, independent and evidence-led regulator we only disqualify someone from serving as a trustee or a senior manager in a charity when the evidence gathered means it is proportionate and lawful to do so.

“The evidence in this investigation meant that the level of misconduct and/or mismanagement was serious enough to warrant this action.

“People generously support good causes with the clear expectation that trustees will act in the best interests of their charities.

“As an independent regulator, it is vital that we uphold and protect this trust, including by taking robust regulatory action where appropriate, based on firm evidence.”

The regulator said it would not disclose the findings of their inquiry until it had concluded.

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