Top UK surgeons have performed an astonishing, gruelling operation to seperate one year-old conjoined twins who were attached at the head.

The patients, Minal and Mirha, from Pakistan, are said to be recovering in the Turkish hospital where they were treated and are expected to make a full recovery. 

The 14-hour procedure at the Ankara Bilkent City Hospital on 19 July was performed by Professor Noor ul Owase Jeelani, a pediatric neurosurgeon based at London’s Great Ormond Street Hospital.

The painstaking surgery included a local team of medics and was completed in two surgical stages over a period of three months.

It was a particularly risky task given where the twins were conjoined — at the front of the head — which meant they shared vital blood vessels and brain tissue.

Minal and Mirha, from Pakistan, were successfully in a 14-hour operation that took place over three months.

Minal and Mirha, from Pakistan, were successfully in a 14-hour operation that took place over three months.

Surgeons used cutting-edge virtual reality headsets to ‘rehearse’ the painstaking procedure

‘They’re making an excellent recovery, really wonderful,’ Professor Jeelani told Sky News. 

‘They should be in a position to go back to Pakistan in a few weeks.’

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