Mrs al-Dada said he was initially hesitant to leave his parents and siblings behind, but seeing how upset their children were changed his mind.

“He got really emotional and I think it changed his mind,” she said.

“He said he just wants to visit, even if it means he’ll be coming here and going back.”

Mrs al-Dada said she felt selfish for leaving loved ones behind and hoped to return to Lebanon when possible.

“I feel like I made the right decision for my children. I’m happy that I have another place to call home. I’m Lebanese but I’m British as well, and I’m lucky that I have a government that cares for me,” she continued.

“I feel a bit selfish that I had to leave loved ones behind. Other people would love to be in my place and have somewhere else to leave to but they can’t they have to stay in basically a war zone.

“I hope that things will get better in Lebanon, it’s my second country and I would love to go back with my children but to go back to a safe country.”

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