Second Best follows the fictional Martin Hill, who was 10 years old when he became one of the final two contenders to play Harry Potter.

But despite being within touching distance of a role which could have changed his life, he was ultimately beaten by Daniel Radcliffe.

Second Best explores the impact missing out on instant stardom has on Hill in later life. Now an adult and about to be a father, Hill navigates his emotions as he is reminded of the pivotal moment in his past he struggled to get over.

The show is not connected to the official Harry Potter series or endorsed by author JK Rowling.

In her review of the novel last year, the Telegraph’s Catherine Lough noted:, external “It’s all a playful blend of fiction and fact: just as Martin is never entirely sure where he ends and Harry begins, the reader is unsure as to which elements are invented and which aren’t.

“In a society where we often only discuss failure as a precursor to success – those, such as JK Rowling, who fail once to fail better – Second Best says something more hopeful: that to be ordinary is a success of its own.”

The premise sprang from a real-life anecdote told by the film’s casting director, who said Radcliffe faced competition from another young actor who was “terrific and very vulnerable”.

Radcliffe is said to have landed the role after having the courage to show another side of the character, by which Harry would also become “very powerful”.

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